Carolina in the Sidecar

Rev up the engines with this lively mix of cognac, black tea and citrus.

Carolina Honey is a perfect fit in the Sidecar—who can resist the pairing of cognac and black tea, livened up by a citrusy double punch of lemon juice and Triple Sec? Our Nilgiri black tea from the southern mountains of India is famous for its robust aroma and flavor; the low amount of tannins gives the tea a clean aftertaste and clear brew that is perfect for iced drinks.

  • 1 oz Cognac
  • .5 oz Triple Sec
  • 1 oz Argo Tea Carolina Honey
  • Orange Slice Garnish

Make sure to shake well in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and strain the beautiful amber elixir into a cocktail or martini glass. Rim the glass with sugar for extra panache.